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Instant Flutter Elegance. Consistent by design

Create consistent and responsive cross-platform Flutter app interfaces in a snap with Modular UI's flexible building blocks.


Rich Components

Explore a variety of ready-to-use components such as buttons, cards, and input fields, offering extensive customization options to seamlessly integrate into every layout of your Flutter application.

Custom Theming

Dive into our advanced theming system that allows users to effortlessly customize the look of their user interface. Choose from vibrant color palettes and font options to bring your application to life.

Responsive Layout Components

Utilize components designed for responsive layouts, ensuring seamless adaptability across various devices including phones and tablets. Create consistent user experiences that dynamically adjust to different screen sizes.

Explore Clear Documentation

Discover clear, interactive documentation directly integrated into our library. Dive into guides, examples, and live demos for efficient understanding and enhanced development.Elevate your development experience with accessible and user-friendly documentation.


How to use Modular UI?

To use Modular UI, follow the detailed steps outlined in our official documentation. We provide comprehensive guides to help seamlessly integrate Modular UI into your Flutter project.

What are the main features of Modular UI?

Modular UI offers a variety of features, including rich components, custom theming, integrated state management, and smooth animations. Explore our documentation to learn more about each feature.

How do I manage dependencies for Modular UI in my Flutter project?

Managing dependencies for Modular UI is straightforward. Refer to our documentation, where we provide clear instructions on adding Modular UI to your Flutter project using package management tools like Pub.

How to contribute to Modular UI?

We welcome contributions! Check our GitHub contribution guide for step-by-step instructions. Your suggestions and contributions are valuable in enhancing Modular UI.